




生成AI:Image Creator

(OIL PAINTING; ROCOCO STYLE; PHOTOREALISTIC; MAGIC REALISM; 3D CG; 3D FIGURE; RETRO FUTURISM) A uncanny clown and Aphrodite are sitting on a seat at a table of a coffee house and are eating a waffle in tiers on a dish.
There are whipped cream and strawberry ice cream and pineapple chunks and blueberry jam and orange marmalade and grenadine syrup on the waffle.

(OIL PAINTING; ROCOCO STYLE; PHOTOREALISTIC; MAGIC REALISM; 3D CG; 3D FIGURE; FILM NOIR) A female clown is walking with a Holy Spirit along a meandering brook in a gloomy forest of a fairyland.

(PHOTOREALISTIC; MAGIC REALISM; 3D CG; OIL PAINTING; ROCOCO STYLE) A tiny clown is standing on an antique desk in a room with an ocean-view window.
There are an antique lamp and an old book on the desk. The clown is grinning uncannily.